Thursday 3 October 2013

Day 4: Progress!

Yesterday was my fourth Bikram session this week. I went to the 7 pm session after a long day at work. I was not feeling good all day and skipped dinner. Surprisingly, not eating for several hours did not seem to hinder my yoga practice.

It was my "easiest" class yet. The heat hardly bothered me and I did not even finish my water. I notice improvements in several of my poses (fixed-firm pose, toe stand and rabbit).

My next class will likely not be until Sunday evening.

Monday 30 September 2013

Day Three: unplanned yoga

I had not planned on attending yoga today.  I was finishing work around 7pm and was feeling very stressed.  I thought briefly about the odds of getting up for 6am yoga tomorrow and was honest with myself - no way will that actually happen.  I quickly changed into my yoga clothes that I keep at the office to catch the 730 class.

I had a good standing series but started to lose gas in the floor series.  I also ran out of water,  which didn't help matters. Towards the end my hands and feet wrinkled which was a clear indication that I was dehydrated- likely from three straight days of practicing yoga in 105 degree heat.

After class I felt great and am so glad I snuck in the unplanned class.

I will definitely take tomorrow off to rest.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Day Two: Progress Already

I went back to the Bikram studio for a 10 am class on Sunday morning, less than 24 hours after my first class. I noticed a huge difference in how my body felt today. I was able to complete all of the standing sequence without taking an extended break and sitting down. Yesterday I had to sit down several times - the first time after only a few poses.

I also had greater flexibility in a few of the poses - particularly Eagle pose and the Awkward Pose series. I also got to try some new poses for he first time since I was not sitting down trying to stay alive - Tree and Toe Stand.

A few hours after class I am feeling very focused and HUNGRY. According to some websites, individuals in my weight range can expect to burn anywhere between 350-700 calories in a 90 minute class. Although that seems like a lot of calories, after a class it certainly seems like I burned through at least that many. My post-yoga meal, rightly or wrongly, was a big bowl of stirfry.

My next yoga session will be Tuesday morning at 6 am. Wish me luck!

First Day of Bikram Yoga

I tried Bikram yoga twice in February of this year. I enjoyed it at the time but, for some reason, stopped going even though I had purchased a 30 day unlimited yoga pass. Not this time! I am writing this blog not because I like telling everyone what I do everyday but as a tool to help me to stick to my goal of attending as many Bikram Yoga sessions as possible in the next 30 days. At the end of the 30 days I will have to decide whether my new hobby is worth the pricey "tuition" of regular membership.

Yesterday was my first Bikram yoga class in several months. I went out and purchased a new yoga matt, a hot yoga towel (from Marshalls), a new pair of shorts, an overpriced hot yoga top and an insulated water bottle that I was told would keep my water cold in the 104 degree room temperature. I figured that if I spent all of this money on yoga accessories I would be less likely to quit again.

My first day did not go so well. Each Bikram class starts with a breathing exercise. I was able to handle that no problem. There is also a rule that you cannot take a sip of water until a few exercises into the practice - a rule that I begrudgingly followed. The group instructor cautioned us that it was okay to sit down and rest if you need to. I definitely needed to after only the 3rd or 4th pose. This was more than a little embarrassing for someone that considers herself a seasoned athlete. Despite my early and frequent rests, I eventually gained a second wind and was able to complete the second half of the class without an unscheduled break. I was happy to survive my first day of Bikram.

By the end of the session I actually felt pretty good. Last night by back felt better than it had felt in a long time. I spent the evening reading on my BlackBerry PlayBook about the benefits of Bikram Yoga and was happy to see that there were many more benefits than just increased flexibility.

This morning I have some mild soreness in my shoulders/neck and lower back. It is not the usual muscle ache that I feel after a hard day at the gym, but rather a dull feeling that I have been stretched out similar to the feeling that I get after going for an intense deep tissue massage.

My instructor told me that it is best to return and do a second Bikram class soon after your first. Based on these instructions, I am going back to class today.